Cookie Policy


Uso dei cookie o il “Sito” utilizza i Cookie per rendere i propri servizi semplici e efficienti per l’utenza che visiona le pagine di
Gli utenti che visionano il Sito, vedranno inserite delle quantità minime di informazioni nei dispositivi in uso, che siano computer e periferiche mobili, in piccoli file di testo denominati “cookie” salvati nelle directory utilizzate dal browser web dell’Utente.
Vi sono vari tipi di cookie, alcuni per rendere più efficace l’uso del Sito, altri per abilitare determinate funzionalità.
Analizzandoli in maniera particolareggiata i nostri cookie permettono di:

memorizzare le preferenze inserite
evitare di reinserire le stesse informazioni più volte durante la visita quali ad esempio nome utente e password
analizzare l’utilizzo dei servizi e dei contenuti forniti da per ottimizzarne l’esperienza di navigazione e i servizi offerti

Tipologie di Cookie utilizzati da
A seguire i vari tipi di cookie utilizzati da in funzione delle finalità d’uso

Technical Cookies This type of cookie allows some sections of the Website to function correctly. There are two categories of them: persistent and session. persistent: once the browser is closed, these cookies are not destroyed but they remain until a preset expiration date. session: these are destroyed every time the browser is closed. These cookies, always sent from our domain, are required to correctly view the site and, in relation to the offered technical services, will therefore always be used and sent, unless the user does not change the settings in their own browser (thereby more efficiently viewing the website pages).

Cookie analitici
I cookie in questa categoria vengono utilizzati per collezionare informazioni sull’uso del sito. userà queste informazioni in merito ad analisi statistiche anonime al fine di migliorare l’utilizzo del Sito e per rendere i contenuti più interessanti e attinenti ai desideri dell’utenza. Questa tipologia di cookie raccoglie dati in forma anonima sull’attività dell’utenza e su come è arrivata sul Sito. I cookie analitici sono inviati dal Sito Stesso o da domini di terze parti.

Third-party service analysis cookies These cookies are used to collect information on the use of the Website by users in anonymous form such as: pages visited, time spent, origins of traffic, geographical origin, age, gender and interests for marketing campaign purposes. These cookies are sent from third-party domains outside of the Website.

Cookies to integrate third-party software products and functions This type of cookie integrates functions developed by third parties within the Website pages such as icons and preferences expressed through social networks in order to share the Website’s contents or for using third-party software services (such as software to generate maps and additional software that offers additional services). These cookies are sent by third-party domains and by partner sites that offer their functions on the pages of the Website.

Profiling cookies

These are cookies required to create user profiles for the purpose of sending advertising messages in line with the preferences made by the user on the pages of the Website., according to the regulation in force, is not required to ask for consent for technical and analytical cookies, as they are necessary for providing the requested services. For all other types of cookies, consent can be expressed by the User in one or more of the following ways:
  • Through specific configurations of the browser or the relative computer programs used to browse the pages that compose the Website.
  • Through changes to the settings on the use of third-party services
Both of these solutions could prevent the user from using or viewing parts of the Website.

Siti Web e servizi di terze parti
Il Sito potrebbe contenere collegamenti ad altri siti Web che dispongono di una propria informativa sulla privacy che può essere diverse da quella adottata da e che che quindi non risponde di questi siti.

How to disable cookies through browser configuration


  • Open the Chrome Browser
  • Click on the menu in the browser tool bar next to the url entry window for browsing.
  • Select Settings
  • Click on Show Advanced Settings
  • In the “Privacy” section, click on the “Content settings” button
  • In the “Cookie” section, it is possible to edit the following settings relative to the cookies:
  • This allows data to be saved in local
  • This allows local data to be edited only until the browser is closed
  • This prevents websites from setting cookies
  • This blocks third-party cookies and website data
  • This manages exceptions for some internet sites
  • Elimination of one or all cookies
For more information, visit the dedicated page.

Mozilla Firefox

  • Open the Mozilla Firefox Browser
  • Click on the menu in the browser tool bar next to the url entry window for browsing.
  • Select Options
  • Select the Privacy panel
  • Click on Show Advanced Settings
  • In the “Privacy” section, click on the “Content settings” button
  • In the “Tracking” section, it is possible to edit the following settings relative to the cookies: Ask websites not to perform tracking
  • Tell websites you accept tracking
  • Do not send any preference relative to personal data tracking
  • From the “Chronology” section, it is possible to:
  • By enabling “Use customised settings”, select that you accept third-party cookies (always, from most visited websites or never) and store them for a given amount of time (until they expire, when you close Firefox or ask each time)
  • Remove stored single cookies
For more information, visit the dedicated page.

Internet Explorer

  • Open the Internet Explorer Browser
  • Click on the Tools button and choose Internet Options
  • Click on the Privacy tab and in the Settings section edit the scroll device based on the required action for the cookies:
  • Block all cookies
  • Allow all cookies
  • Selecting websites that you can obtain cookies from: move the cursor to a middle position so as to neither block nor allow all cookies, then press Websites, in the Website address box enter a website and then press Block or Allow
For more information, visit the dedicated page.

Safari 6

  • Open the Safari Browser
  • Click on Safari, select Preferences and press Privacy
  • In the Block Cookies section specify how Safari should accept cookies from websites.
  • To see which websites have stored cookies, click on Details

Safari iOS (mobile devices)

  • Open the Safari iOS Browser
  • Touch Settings and then Safari
  • Touch Block Cookies and choose from the various options “Never”, “Third party or advertisers” or “Always”
  • To delete all stored cookies from Safari, touch Settings, then on Safari and lastly on Delete Cookies and data
For more information, visit the dedicated page.


  • Open the Opera Browser
  • Click on Preferences and then on Advanced and lastly on Cookies
  • Select one of the following options:
  • Accept all cookies
  • Accept all cookies only from the website that you are visiting: third-party cookies and those sent from a different domain than those you are visiting will be rejected
  • Never accept cookies: no cookies will ever be stored
For more information, visit the dedicated page.

How to disable third-party service cookies Google Services

This page is visible, through a link in the footer of every page of the Website pursuant to art. 122 second paragraph of Lgs.D. 196/2003 and following simplified methods for the policy and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies published in the Official Journal No. 126 of June 3 2014 and relative register of provisions No. 229 of May 8 2014.